Photo Albums:
We have so many photos we want to show you that we have arranged them in albums.
Click on one of the albums below to view all the photos.

The Site
6 photos

4 photos

9 photos

Orchard & Meadow Maintenance
12 photos

Orchard Team & Visitors
8 photos

Fruit, Juice & Food
34 photos

Orchard Celebration 18 July 2010
17 photos

Jubilee Strawberry Tea 2012
11 photos

Plants, Animals & Birds
5 photos

Hardware & Maintenance
18 photos

The Orchard 2014
29 photos

Artist Tessa Newcomb
14 photos

St James Village
5 photos
In an orchard there should be enough to eat, enough to lay up, enough to be stolen, and enough to rot on the ground. (James Boswell (1807). “The life of Samuel Johnson, LL. D.)