
St James Village Orchard

Details of the Tree at Grid Ref C2

Tree Details   
Grid Ref
Tree Type Apple
Variety Ribston Pippin
Rootstock M25
Date Planted 23 January 2011
Tree Description Brownish orange flush, red stripes over yellowish green; ripening to bright red over gold, some russet patches. Intense rich aromatic flavour; firm deep cream flesh. A large vigorous tree, can be a light cropper. A highly esteemed midwinter dessert apple.
Comments Suggested by RP. Lawrence D. Hills' high Vitamin C group, 30.60Mg. Vitamin C per 100 grams.
So called from Ribston, in Yorkshire, where the first Pippins, introduced from Normandy about 1707, were planted. It is said that Sir Henry Goodrichr planted three pips; two died, and from the third came all the Ribston Apple-trees in England.
Orchard Map
Now it is my turn. Topping up my glass for courage, I speak of Kazakhstan's two great gifts to the world: the cultivated apple and the tamed horse.   (Roger Deakin)