
St James Village Orchard

Details of the Tree at Grid Ref R4

Tree Details   
Grid Ref
Tree Type Apple
Variety Blenheim Orange
Rootstock MM106
Date Planted 15 March 2010
Tree Description A large orange-yellow fruit, crisp, somewhat acid but distinctly flavoured. An old and much cultivated sort, rather long in cropping. A broad spreading tree. A midwinter dessert apple, ripening in November, keeping till January and February. Picked in October and stored until ripe.
Comments Suggested by RP & CS. Fruiting well elsewhere in St. James (RP & CS). Traditionally an apple for Christmas.
Orchard Map
Then hath thy orchard fruit, thy garden flowers, fresh as the air, and new as are the hours. The early cherry, with the later plum, fig, grape, and quince, each in his time doth come.   (Ben Johnson)